
Bible Study in the Wilderness

A subject with a specific Bible verse is given every other month. We come before the Lord and listen to His voice alone without relying on Bible teachers or commentaries, which we call the wilderness. We freely write down what comes to mind. No right answer is expected. The anointing of the Holy Spirit surely teaches each one about all things.

Anyone is welcome to participate. Please send your report, and we will send you back selected reports, through which we believe our eyes will be further opened to the will of the Lord.

“My sheep hear My voice,” says the Lord. He speaks to each of us, and thus we shall become one flock with one Shepherd. Let us hear His voice through the Bible Study in the Wilderness.


Grace in the End Times   

The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more. (Romans 5:20)

The scripture says, “Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” What "grace" do you see in the end times when sin is so prevalent? 

Due Date: August 1, 2024 Thursday

Please send your report by email.

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